Anonymous Philanthropist Wants To Help You - Giving Because I Care!


Need Help Paying For...?

Food - Utilities - Water Bill  Clothes - Rent/Mortgage
Automobile Payment - Gas For Your Automobile ...

The late Percy Ross, founder of the "Thanks A Million" newspaper column, would allow individuals to write him for help and then would award many of their requests. That act has inspired the Anonymous Philanthropist to use a modern approach to Mr. Ross' method.

The Mission

The primary mission of "The Anonymous Philanthropist" for creating this website is to help individuals meet the various needs they may be encountering in their lives.


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 Anonymous Philanthropist Motto

Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage.
     Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.
- Philippians 2:4 (The Message Bible Translation)

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