What is a philanthropist?
phi·lan·thro·pist /fəˈlanTHrəpəst/ a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
MillionairesMoney.com opened on the internet in July of 2008. The anonymous founder behind this website has lived a life helping people move forward in life. The philanthropists prefers to help people anonymously because privacy in their own life is important. Additionally, the philanthropist does not do this to seek public praise and attention.
The idea for the website was birthed after observing how Percy Ross would help individuals. The late Percy Ross, founder of the “Thanks A Million” newspaper column, would allow individuals to write him for help and then would award many of their requests. That act inspired the Anonymous Philanthropist to use a modern approach to Mr. Ross’ method.
There are many great philanthropists in the world. Many of these people may be your neighbors, your friends and your family. You yourself have been a philanthropist as some point in your life. How, If you have every helped someone with a need, you too are a philanthropist.
The Mission of MillionairesMoney.com
The primary mission of “The Anonymous Philanthropist” for creating this website is to help individuals meet the various needs they may be encountering in their lives.
The help on this website may come in many different ways, but the help will be there. While the philanthropist can not award every request because of the great numbers of requests for help, there are many resources on this website for helping you with your situation and changing your life for the better.
Grant / Funding Tags
Do you have a need?
If so, you may submit a request for help.
Review the guidelines
Before submitting a request for help, review and understand the guidelines.
Submit your request
Submit your request. Be sure to check out the other resources and information on this website.
Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.