Quick Cash Money Idea From Home #1
Here is a quick way to put some nice extra income into your pocket and could also become a full time income if you scale it up larger or increase the service fee.
Daycare Service
Kids are everywhere and parents want their children in a safe environment. You could start a daycare right from the comfort of your home. You should make your daycare unique in some way. You might teach the children a foreign language, computer skills, etc. The more unique you are the better.
Scenario of Income Potential:
Daycare centers charge on average anywhere from $150 to $250 per week per child. This is an extremely lucrative venture. If you had 5 children at $150 per week that would be $750 gross profit for you week after week.
Getting Started (Quick Start):
1. Check on licenses you may need for your area.
2. Setup an LLC for your protection.
3. Prepare your home for the children (determine nap area and activity area)
4. Start with friends & family for a quick start.
5. Promote your daycare.
Estimated Start-Up (Basic):
Start up cost will depend on the type of things you will do that are unique. You will need license, LLC, toys, activity books depending on the ages, etc…
Advanced Growth (A Business Is Born):
Your daycare can only grow to the size of your house’s capacity. Once you have outgrown your starting point you may want to get a larger space and hire help. You will probably need to hire help before you outgrow your starting point because you can only have so many children to adults (depending on age).