How To Make Money On Demand – Part 4

By Extra Money Opportunities

Chapter 4: The Morning Has Come


The Bible uses the term “morning” in some verses which actually translates to mean “beginning.”


That came to my mind as I was getting my outline together for writing this ebook. I liked that and named this chapter “The Morning Has Come” or translated “The Beginning Has Come”; maybe an even better title would be “Your Beginning Has Come.”


That’s right your new beginning has come. As you have been reading, you have discovered the importance of thinking the right things – thinking on the things you desire. We have uncovered a myth. We have seen how what you were told, heard and learned has shaped your thinking – including generational thinking. You have learned about the lost ideas. People get ideas everyday for products and services. These ideas if acted on could lead people to the ultimate lifestyle they desire. Most often, people do not realize that, that was “their idea”, their possible way and the idea is lost.


Now, as you sit there reading, you are at a fork in the road. Do you go to the left or do you go to the right? Even so, do you continue to drive forward or go in reverse?




This is your morning, your new beginning. The decisions you are going to have to make will affect the rest of your life; whether it is a good decision or a bad decision, it will affect you.


Let me stop here for a minute and hit on something about ideas. In the last chapter I spoke about lost ideas. I have found that sometimes people do recognize the ideas, but they do not know how to bring the idea into existence. Sometimes they don’t have the financial means or knowledge to make the idea happen, therefore they throw it out.


Later on in this book you are going to discover how to get past these obstacles. Lack of knowledge will no longer be an obstacle. Lack of money will no longer be an obstacle; in fact you will learn how to create money. Yes, create money, not counterfeit but create. Wealthy people know how to do this and you will too.


Joe Vitale, author of the #1 best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program, “The Power of Outrageous Marketing” wanted to purchase a BMW Z3 convertible. Joe wanted to purchase it in cash. He took an idea and (created money) turned it into over $20,000 in a matter of days.


You will learn the practical steps he did to do this later in this book.


Have you seen the movie “Daddy Daycare?”


If not I am going to give you a summary of the movie. I believe this movie is a great example to use and fits well with this book.


In the movie Charles Hinton, played by Eddie Murphy, and Phil, played by Jeff Garlin, are advertising executives. Charles and Phil are given the boot from the company after a disastrous campaign for a new breakfast cereal.


Charlie’s wife Kim, played by Regina King, goes back to work. The family’s budget is tight and Charles becomes a stay-at-home dad. He pulls his son Ben, played by Khamani Griffin, out of an expensive and exclusive daycare center.


Charlie comes up with a brainstorm — since he and Phil are now stay-at-home dads watching their own children every day; they figure how much harder could it be to watch a few more kids and open their own day care center?


So Charlie and Phil decide to do it, to open their own daycare center. They quickly discover there’s much more to running a daycare center than they ever imagined. After a very rough start, Charlie and Phil get some help from Marvin, played by Steve Zahn.

Their new daycare business becomes a success so much so that the daycare Charlie’s son Ben

was in starts to lose customers to them.


The message I am showing you with this example is you can make it after being downsized. You can create a job of your own, and the job you create could eventually be more rewarding to you than the job you had.


Remember at the beginning of the last chapter, “The Lost Ideas”, I asked a question:


(Review of the last chapter’s beginning)

Have you ever done this before or know people who have done this – get a second or third part-time job? Imagine, this person works a regular 40 hour work week and then turns around and works about another

20-30 hours on a part-time job.


I have known many people over the years do just that. I know why they do it, but at the same time would always question inside myself – why are they doing this to themselves. Why are they subjecting their bodies to this type of workload?


Right about now you are probably saying, “The reason they are doing it is because they need the extra

money for bills and to live on…duh.” Yes, I know that, but why do they take that course of action?


The question I am focusing on right now is: “Why do they take that course of action”.

Why would they get another job to make extra money? Why would you get another job when you could actually create your own job?

Let’s first look at the part-time job and ask the question, is it really worth your time. Example #1

Let’s say you get a part-time job that you will be working about 20 hours a week. We will say that this

part-time job is going to pay you $10 an hour.


20hrs week X $10 hour = $200 before taxes.


You will trade 20 hours of your time for dollars and make $200 before taxes. Is that worth it to you? Depending on your thinking, you may say yes.

Example #2

Let’s now say instead of getting a second job you did something like this. You decide to be creative and create some money and not trade your time for dollars in the manner you always have, but create the

dollars you want.


What if you did this… you start an evening daycare for parents that want to go out without the kids. Many times parents that have children do not always have a sitter to watch their children.


You start your evening daycare between the hours of 7:00pm and 11:00pm or whatever hours you want. You decide to have your evening daycare on Thursdays and Fridays. You charge $25 per child.

On Thursday, you have 3 children from 7:00pm to 10:30-11 o’clock. You just made $75. On Friday you

have another baby sitting night and have 5 children. On Friday you make $125.


When we add Thursday and Friday night together, you have made $200. You only worked 8 hours versus

20 for the same amount of money. You were able to stay in the comfort of your home and make money. While the parents were out at a dinner and movie, you had movie and popcorn night with the kids.


As you can see, this is an option that has potential to grow into something larger. Imagine, you start this as “your second job”; the parents will become regulars. They will probably refer other parents to you and before long; you may have a pretty sizable operation. It can grow however as large as you “think” it can grow.


My question: between the 2 options I just gave you, which one is worth it to you? Which one is more worth your time?


Many people take option #1 because they never considered or were taught there is was an option #2. For many an option #2 was nothing more than another option #1.


Do you see how the last example has just made a light bulb pop on in your own mind? Do you see how your thinking has just moved to another level?


Do you also see how and why you must be careful about whom you listen to, watch on television and movies, listen to on the radio and read in books and magazines. Your thinking will be shaped by those things.


Thinking… Napoleon Hill talked about the power of positive thinking. The Bible talked about it first in Proverbs 22:7, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Be careful to pay attention to what is shaping your thinking.


In option #2, see how you would have created the extra money you needed. If you needed more than

$200, you simply have a few more children.


Robert Kiyosaki talks about how the rich know how to create money in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” You just read one example of how you could create money for yourself with the evening care. You could create as much or as little as you want. You could grow the evening care to the point where you had other people working for you making you money.

The skill to create money when you need or want it will be valuable to you for the rest of your life once you master it.


I remember a little over a month ago I was talking to my mother on the phone, and she was telling me how my sister and a friend of hers created some money. My sister’s friend came to her on a Thursday and asked her if she wanted to make some money. My sister replied yes and a plan was formed (money created).


They purchased a little over 200 strawberries, brown chocolate, white chocolate, cupcake holders, ribbon and small boxes.


They melted the chocolates and then dipped the strawberries into the brown chocolate and made designs with the white chocolate. Next they placed the chocolate covered strawberries in the cupcake holders, and then placed the two in a box. They tied the ribbon around the box and bingo; a product was ready to sell. That Thursday, they put together 100 boxes of chocolate covered strawberries, 2 per box. The next day they sold all 100 boxes for $5 each for a gross profit of $500. They created $500 in one day. After expenses they pocketed about $390 which they split 50/50.


If you are like me, I wanted to know who they sold 100 boxes to.


It was simple…


They went to car dealerships & hair salons primarily and sold their inventory to the people. Many people do not make on their 40 hour a week job what they created in a matter of hours, all from an idea.


How many ideas have you let go?


A friend of mine Joe Schroeder, speaker and author of “What You Give Away You Always Get To Keep” has a saying that I really like. The saying is this, “You don’t have to get it right… you just have to get going.” You might be saying that doesn’t sound smart to just start if you are not ready. Joe is not saying to start when you are not ready. He is saying to get going and cut out the stalling and excuses of why you can’t start. Many people plan and perfect and plan and perfect and never get started with anything for all the planning and perfecting they are doing (stalling).


It is now time for you to get going. It is time for you to get your ideas working for you. Your morning

(beginning) has come.

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