Tips To Help You Get Your Request Awarded

By Recommend Post

While we can not give you the exactly methodology we use to determine
who will receive an award, we can give you tips that will help.
If our previous post we talked about what is stopping many requests.

Here are a few tips to help you:
1. Make you are follow the instructions (this was stated in previous post)
2. Do not beg, begging does not get results
3. Be brief but detailed and able to provide proof if we request it
4. Do not be demanding
5. If your need is time sensitive (within days needing the award, we
are probably not going to be your best resource. We have various other
resources on our website that might be better. Look around out blog
for the information)
Our goal is to help as many people as possible. Unfortunately we can
not award every request to look at the resources we have provided information
for on this blog portion of the website.
Ok, now here is a good launch.

Have a great rest of your day.