Philanthropist Putting New Requests For Help On Hold…

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This website has not even been officially launched a month yet and we are absolutely back logged.

Yesterday, August 1, the philanthropist decided to temporarily suspend new requests so that we can go through the current requests more carefully and to catch up on awards.

Below you will find answers to questions and comments we are receiving:

I posted a comment on the blog but do not see it:
Comment posts to the blog must be approved. If your comment is off topic, spam or what we feel is too private, we will not approve it.

I did not receive a ticket ID number:
Many people have sent emails stating that they did not receive a ticket ID number. That is correct, you did not. This website is not like most “automated” websites. There is not a computer program that is determining the fate of your request; you would not want that. Your questionnaire is stored in our database for review by a real person.

Well why did I get a message talking about a ticket ID?
If you were in the process of completing the questionnaire and decided to stop during the process and save your answers, the system would refer to a ticket ID you will receive. We are having technical issues with that part of our software that handles the ability to save your questionnaire. At this time we suggest that you complete the questionnaire and do not try to save it and come back later.

How do I check the status of my request?
Unfortunately, because this website is not setup to be automated, you can not check the status of your request. (See our post on how the process works on our end – click here) If your request is selected you will be contacted by phone and/or email. We are very back logged; so if you have not heard from us yet, it does not mean your request has not been selected. This is not a fast process. It is not in your best interest if we rush through requests.

I sent a request through the contact link and no one has even responded to my request:
Going to our contact link and submitting a request for help violates our guidelines. Going to the contact link and asking about the status of your request violates our guidelines. Sometimes we just delete these messages if we have too many of them. Sometimes we respond to them telling the person they are violating the guidelines.

So many people are violating our guidelines it is amazing to us. We have simple rules to follow and people just will not follow them. It is a waste of our time dealing with violators.

We have a guidelines link, it is in everyone’s best interest to read it. We are not giving out anymore warnings; we are just going to start rejecting requests immediately as our guidelines state we will.

The contact link is more for technical support.

Well how long will I have to wait to know if my request will be awarded?
This website is modeled after the late Percy Ross’s Thanks A Million column. When a person would write Mr. Ross a letter asking for help you never know if your request would be granted. You could not “check the status” of it. You just go on with your life and one day may go to your mailbox to find a letter from him with some money in it. Mr. Ross received thousands of letters a week from people and he read them all but it took time.

So how long will it take for you to know? If your request is selected you will one day get a phone call (or email if we can not reach you by phone) and a staff member will discuss with you how and where to send your award. We are using a technology to reach people but handling things in a low tech approach like Mr. Ross did. It is a more personal approach. You are not just a number but a real person.

We are here to award as many individuals’ requests as we can that meet the philanthropists’ selection protocol. For the requests that did not meet the protocol, the philanthropist wanted to be able to help people help themselves. That is why we have started to post various ways for people to generate money from home on there own.

We hope this post has been of help to you.



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  • barbara salters

    im just waiting im being patient.

  • joy brown

    What you are doing is a miracle, however, when a person has no lifeline to hold onto and have lost everything, but the clothes on their back, you just want one ray of sunshine. As for my application, I filed it on invitation July 13, as I got to the ads at the end the program stopped and I found myself back at my email address. I was not trying to break rules, I Was trying to find out what happen. I can’t get a job because will not give me a return to work slip. I’m 600 hundred miles away from my home town and not being a local, help is out of the question here. I’ve tried online business but don’t have the money they ask for to get their programs. I am jobless/homeless/disabled/ and have become hopeless. May God Bless you on the success of your program.

  • steven hennessey

    I want to thank you in advance for your consideration.

  • Ruth

    I posted a request to you a little while ago, but as i live in Great Britain I dont know if my request can be granted. I wanted to tell you that since I made my request for an award we have been burgled. They took the only money we had which was £240 out of my purse and we have had to borrow money for food. I just want to say that it doesn’t matter if my request is not granted because I know that there are far more needy people. People who have lost everything and I cant believe that there is this facility to help them. My family and I will get through this, yet for some there is just no hope.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of those people and my-self and my family for giving us hope and help to ‘start over’.
    Ruth Clarke.

  • Michelle Mesaris

    You are a saint for just doing what you are doing. You set guidelines from the very beginning and they were made very clear and I feel very simple. Rules are rules and in most situations it is what we need to get through the process. Rules are set for a reason and usually it is to make the process easier. I have done everything in my power to follow every guideline and rule that you have set and even though I could have used the money yesterday and the day before that and the day before that, I know pateince is a virtue! I just pray everyday when I awake that that will be the day my phone will ring and if it doesn’t then I just repeat the process the next day. We are barely keeping the power on and a roof over our head but that is only because I have researched every avenue possible for help. In the meantime, while we are all waiting to hear something, here are some suggestions of things that might help that I have found out about or have been told by others…..I live in California……here we have a program that the state helps pay for your electricity……contact your local welfare office and question them if they have anything like that… is it called HEAP or LHEAP. Also to if you are disabled, as am I and my fiance’, make sure to get the paperwork filled out by you and your Dr. to lower your electricity rates and for all of us who are low income make sure you fill out the paperwork too lower your rates as well….here it is called the “Care” program. Contact your local churches…..even thou I have had no luck in this I have heard of people who have gotten the help….many churches have a fund that helps the local community, call and ask if they have any funds available that can help you and do not be affraid or ashamed to leave a message. Contact your local welfare dept or even your Chamber of Commerce and ask them were the local free food drive is held and when. With this drive they give out “A LOT” (I was surprised the first time I went to the drive) of food and a HUGE variety and they even accomadiate to vegetarians and even for people who have to have low salt intake. Contact your local Housing Authority and find out what you need to do to get help with your rent. Because of the situation our country is in we are all in trouble and in need in some shape or form and the best thing we can all do for ourselves is stick together and do our best to be patient and help thy neighbor out. Just even little info like this I know will keep someones power on next week and food in someone’s belly and that fills my heart knowing that. I know what it feels like to have no money and to be living on the edge but we all just need to take a day at a time and be patient so these wonderful people can get through our requests thoroughly and accurately. I would be really upset if I knew I got declined because someone rushed through my request and did not take the time they needed to look it all over. I hope all these little insites help someone and just maybe someone will write in with their own little insite that might help me. Good Luck to everyone and just remember patience is a virtue and we will all benefit from it if we just try!

  • Catherine J. Daniels

    Patience is a virtue. The lord will allow time to run its course. Thank you for giving the gift of hope. So many of us have lost that which is one of the greatest gifts to be had.
    Thank you,
    Catherine J. Daniels

  • Melissa Huff

    My favorite saying is “It’s all good!” God works everything out to His glory if we just obey. Obedience is not a bad thing. Whether we are obeying Him or the rules on this site. As for me, If I don’t get the blessing from this site then I am ok with that. This site is not my source. God is! And God will provide for me however He deems worthy. Whether it be from this site or through another means. It’s all good!

  • Maritza

    God Bless you whomever you are.

    Maritza from Ohio

  • christine guipo

    God might seem to delay, but He is always on time. We persevere in our prayer not because God is not hearing us, but because we are always in need of being conformed to the will of God. We keep praying for what we need not because God is stubborn, but because our hearts need to express our dependence upon the Lord for everything that is good. Praying for an increase in patience, understanding or compassion is often the best thing we can ask for from the Lord, especially now that we are having difficulty with our lives and asking for assistance from our neighbor.
    If there’s some delays, it’s okay. It deserves patience and, so, we have to wait. If we have difficulty with our lives I’m sure this/these philanthropist/s may have also because he/they is/are willing to grant all the request but only to select some or few who need most of help (and giving others a chance to help themselves by posting some business opportunities in its blog) or only choosing some that can only be accommodated by the budget for this period.If we are in need of this assistance immediately, these people behind this site are also working hard and doing their best to make things easy and fast for only out this generosity and charity they could earn real happiness and joy. Who among here who doesn’t want to attain real happiness and joy?;-) Giving and helping other in need is their passion.
    The rules and guidelines are simple and understandable. These are implemented for everybody’s convenience to make this request/grant procedure easier and more organized.

  • Ray E Smith

    No problem, my need is not going anywhere. Beside, there are other more deserving than myself I am sure.


  • Kim Kitts

    Hi And thank you for even if I dont get picked because I know you still helped someone else.Also I wanted to say I have been trying the methods listed above ,although I have not had much sucess yet, I will not give up.I put all I can into it.It feels good to try hard,even when it seems tough It somehow makes one stronger .Never Give up ..Ill always believe that.Faith is priceless!!

  • Adliah

    I’ve answered the questionaires sincerely and follow the guidelines. I’m not confident my request to be granted but I hope it will be given thoroughly consideration as I’ve tried many alternatives to solve my problems all this time. By God’s Will if this is my source of relief then I am really happy and blessed but if not I have to face the fact that maybe God will one day give me through other ways. I really appreciated and thankful that you created this site. God bless you all and hope success in your every endeavors.

  • Carolyn Martin

    Thank you for caring about people this is what we are truly here for. We must care about each other. Life is not the destination ,but a journey. Live in the moment, love in the moment and be in the moment . You have given HOPE = Helping Other People Everyday.

    . May the rewards of your gifts multiply

  • Jamie

    It is a sad thing that so many people are in need. I would like to help in any way that I can. If you would like to contact me you have my email address. I might not be able to give the gift of money but I think that everyone has something to give or a gift of helping someone. Thank you for what you do and time will take its’ course..

  • Claude

    Hi I;m claude and i also sign edup for the money give a way.I just thank the lord that i did all the right words to him or the right words i needed to say .our home is up forsale sept 15th so i hope and pray he gets our letters in time, we love you sir for making so many lives for the better.

  • marissa

    i just wonder if you weren’t around to help those in need ,what would most people be doing to try to get out of their situation?as you said just keep livivng your life ,and i say “it’s up togod and the mysterious person to choose.god knows what you need and what you want and he only gives you what you need right now.if he didin’t answer ,it’s not that he dosen’t hear you ,it’s just that he is answering someone else that is more serious.just be patient and i’m quite sure he will answer .i’m sure this person has enough pressure deciding who really the way sir/madame how do you do it?god bless

  • Gloria Mcneill

    I just want to thank you’re for helping people like myself that don’t have no were else to turn when you are in need. You are a God sent. Even though i don’t get excepted thank yo for helping someone else in need.

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